Friday, January 11, 2013

Boobless McGee.

Dear Diary, 

     I have been in a complex for quite some time. Not like a normal person's complex, though. This is real. 

     Let me preface this entry by saying that I am nearly 26 years old and have not complained about this issue until now. What is my issue, you ask? I don't have boobs. Like, at all. The four years I participated in Track & Field back in high school were perfect for not having boobs. (Who wants a cantaloupe of flesh smacking you in the chin at the 100 meter mark?) But I am beginning to think mine have gotten even smaller as the years have passed.  

     They have very slowly and strategically shifted their way down to where my lower abs used to be. I'm considering putting an Amber Alert out for my abs and having my boobs arrested for squatting. 

   At this rate, by the time I am 90, I should have two gaping holes where my tenders used to be. Here's to hoping a boob-enhancing pill comes out in the next 10 years so I don't get to that point. 


Me. Boobless McGee. 



  1. Haha, this made me laugh out loud. I can't exactly sympathize with you on this one, but I can tell you it's no fun on the other end of the spectrum either. Having DDs is really only good for one this (you know what I'm talking about) other than that they're a pain. Literally and figuratively. So enjoy your booblessness, at least when you're shopping and exercising haha.

  2. Girl, it's from the nursing! (I was just having this convo with my sis-in-law!) =) But she gave me some good news...I hope...she says they eventually come back, but it takes a couple years or so...:/

  3. I feel you. I was actually looking forward to pregnancy cause I thought-hey I'll finally have boobs! psh, went from a 32A to a 34A even after nursing and all that (I bet most people don't even know they come in that small of a size!) yup, one size up from a training bra- but if I had to pick to be too big or too small, I vote too small (can always wear fakies-the large girls can't make theirs disappear)

  4. Oh crap. This gives me sad hope. I think you'll appreciate this:
