Monday, January 14, 2013

That is NOT a Hotdog.

Dear Diary, 

     Tonight, I witnessed legitimate fear in my son's eyes. His little sister is a curious cat, that one. And she's been known a time or two for trying to detach a certain piece of his body during bath time, somehow mistaking it for a toy. 

     This time, he was standing. I was scrubbing his little pot belly when out of nowhere comes five anxious fingers, ready to perform their famous death grip on his unmentionables. When I told him to watch out, he screamed, "Sissy! Don't eat it!" with more panic and irritation than I have ever heard from him before. 

    Even though she was educated on the matter (a.k.a. yelled at by her 3 year old brother), I get the feeling she'll be back. 


Me. Mom of a scared little boy and a human female version of Jaws. 

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! And has happened in some version in my house many times.
