Monday, November 5, 2012

Killer Move.

Dear Diary, 

     It appears I've moved at just the right time. A month or so ago, my next door neighbor in our condo complex was a victim of attempted murder by her drunk boyfriend. He was a winner. I tell ya, there is nothing quite like coming home from a date with your husband and being welcomed by 3 cop cars, a CSI van, concerned neighbors, and suspicious police officers trying to interrogate you. 

     Fast forward a few weeks and there is a triple shooting- one man dead, two the OTHER condo complex to the right of us. Our location was killer

     But our new house? It's even MORE a good way. We have a mailbox. We are real people now. And we have carpet. Which means no more lazy diaper changes on the floor of any room. And we have bills. Soooo many bills. But we are happy, happy, happy! 

     Welcome home, us. Welcome home. 



P.S. A picture of a different "Shooter". Just to end your night right. 

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