Monday, December 3, 2012

Married with Kids, but Still Kids.

Dear Diary, 

     My husband was chomping away at his stash of Cheeto's while chit chatting with me. When he came closer, I realized he had 3 balls of Cheeto crumbs on his eye lid. Our conversation went like this: 

Me: Hey, you have Cheeto cheese balls on your eyelid. 

Husband: Will you get it for me? (Laughing). Do you ever feel like you're married to a five year old? 

Me: No. Wait, I take it back. Yes. 

At this point, he had begun to run his fingers through my hair when he got stuck on a clump all bunched together and hard as a rock. 

Husband: Oh. This, coming from a girl with her hair full of dried up Gogurt. 

     I guess we are still kids, even though we have our own. Happy Parenting! 


Us. The Crazy Parents of Two Young Children. 

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