Saturday, September 15, 2012

Is it My Turn Yet?

Dear Diary, 

     Between my 7 month old still not sleeping through the night and having gastrointestinal problems, and my toddler having his own set of health issues, I have been: 

1. Blog slacking 


2. A sleep deprived zombie

     As I was switching the laundry loads the other day, I realized it was time for my baby to go down for a nap. (This is the time when it feels like the ceiling directly above my head opens up wide, a beautiful misty burst of sunlight bursts through that opening and a choir of Heavenly angels begins enthusiastically singing "Halleluja".) Then I thought to myself, "I wish someone could put me down for a nap!" 

     After that thought, I just had two questions. 

1. Where is my mom? 


2. When is it my turn for a nap?

     Even at my age, I'm 100% sure I would let someone zip me up in feety pajamas, give me a bottle of milk and hold me as I curl up my adult body against long as it meant I could sleep.



1 comment:

  1. I could totally go for a footie PJ nap. That's it. That's what I want for my birthday.
