Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It Was a Bad Day.

Dear Diary, 

     Yesterday was bad. Real bad. By 11 AM, I had been pushed to the edge and that was no good, considering the day had many more hours left in it. So, like any other normal mom, I packed up my kids and wandered around Costco. Free samples, two kids in the front of the cart smiling, a little exercise for mom, and some retail therapy, of course. 

     And although by the end of the outing, my spirits had been lifted a smidge, I was still beat down. While in the check-out line, I looked back and saw an older woman a couple of customers behind me. She had more alcohol in her cart than I had ever seen in my lifetime. Yet there she was, shamelessly awaiting her turn to purchase the mass amount of booze in her shopping cart and although I have never drank (dranken? drunk?) alcohol before and don't have plans to start, I caught myself thinking, "Wow. I could use that stash of liquor today." That, or a smack across the face with an iron skillet. Motherhood is the only experience in life I have ever had that consistently makes me realize what a raging alcoholic I would be if I didn't grow up knowing it was bad for me.  

Sincerely Soberly, 


1 comment:

  1. There are many times when I had little ones that a healthy dose of retail therapy saved the day. Nothing is better than free samples and wearing the kids out at a mass merchant for awhile.
