Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Oh, poop.

Dear Diary, 

     This morning, I was folding laundry. My little guy had just gotten out of the bathtub and was in the nude. He was making his rounds in my bedroom, putting his Woody and Buzz Lightyear action figures under the covers and hiding inside the empty laundry basket. Then he started picking apart the laundry, naming the colors of all the clothes strewn across my bed. All of the sudden, his eyes fix on mine and he is real still. One push later and I hear a THUD. Both of his hands were visible so I know he didn't drop a toy. Was it a turd? Indeed, it was. I crept around the side of the bed to see a little big, fat tootsie roll of a poop lying on the carpet. I rushed him to the to-to (toilet, of course) and he pushed out a couple more. I made sure he got some extra high-fives and hugs for those last two since they made it INTO the goal. (We don't love those foul ball, out-of-bounds poops.)So yes...we had a "crappy" morning, but on the bright side, we can now say this little dude has successfully relieved his bowels on the toilet. 


Me. And all other moms who think potty training is a B. 

**And because I don't have a never ending supply of diapers, nor do I want to spend $40/box every time I hit up Costco (yeah, I don't do cloth diapers...), I've gotta get this kiddo in the habit of doing business on the pot. Stat.                    

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, that cloth diaper comment is SO TRUE. That's awesome that he got two in the toilet! Yay, Titan!
