Friday, July 6, 2012

The Plague.

Dear Diary, 

     We are down. We've been hit! (Again.) Why us? I'm not so sure. It could be due to the fact that my 2 year old mostly eats frozen pizza, oatmeal, and Gogurts on a regular basis. Those three things aren't necessarily a recipe for a good immune system. But they aren't bad for you, either! My child eats so many Gogurts that I can hardly keep up. I had an entire Costco-size box once. Thinking that they were going to take forever to eat, I froze about half. I found myself pulling handfuls out of the freezer every day because the thawed ones kept disappearing from the fridge. I'd say he eats at least 3 a day. So, by the time he's 5 I bet he'll have a stomach of steel

     Anyway, one trip to the doctor and I find that my little girl has hand-foot-mouth disease, a nasty sore in the back of her throat, and a severely bruised arm from getting it wedged between the bars of her crib. My little boy just had the beginning stages of walking pneumonia and needs albuterol during the days. *Sigh* So don't come over. We have the plague. And my kids are gimps at the moment. (This is why the posts have been lacking. My apologies!)



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