Friday, August 17, 2012

I Need That Fairy My Mother Spoke Of...

Dear Diary, 

     Moms are good at lying being sneaky and using trickery. As a kid, I thought my mom was magic. She could steer the car with no hands, turn on the TV by pointing at it, and could find literally anything that I could not find in the dad-blam refrigerator. Now that I'm a mother myself, I realize she drove by steering with her knee, had the TV remote slipped into her long sleeve t-shirt under her hand with her finger on the power button, and was just taller than me so she could actually see everything in the fridge. That, and she knew the contents of the fridge better than anyone else in the house, seeing as she organized it. 

     But even though I know that the magic I thought existed was just my mom being on the ball, I think the men in my moms house (a.k.a. my dad, and my brother who still lives with them) think the cleaning fairy lives there, even to this day. It's incredible how fast a house dirties when the fairy takes a day off. Dust bunnies collected, dishes piling up, papers everywhere... (...I hate papers...)

     The cleaning fairy at our house just got significantly more busy after our dishwasher broke. And mom, don't roll over and die after hearing me say this but...I kind of don't mind washing them...? But in true ME fashion, I get to the bottom of the stack, rinse and dry them, drain the water and then my eyes zoom in to a random cup sitting on the bookshelf across the room. Nope, not washing it. Then another dish crops up. Nope again. And before I know it, I have a new load of dishes to wash. So I just pretend they need to sit in the sink a while. Kind of like this. 




1 comment:

  1. My husband does this to me all the time. He says something needs to "soak," but then never finishes washing it. So guess who ends up doing!
