Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What A Baby.

Dear Diary, 

     I am a wimpy mother, indeed. My mom has three grandchildren, none of which she sees as often as she'd like. She has been asking me to lend her my sweet little two year old for a while so they can spend time together and play. And although visions of him walking out of Target with a basket full of new toys and trains, trips to McDonald's to eat chicken nuggets and fries before playing hard at the play place, walks to the park, and lots of ice cream fill my mind and I know he will love it, I am sad to see him go! I have truly had to buck up, emotionally. But how often do moms get to have a week long break from entertaining a child? (More specifically...a two year old!)Five days away from my little buddy sure is a long time. I guess I will have to watch the newest episodes of Curious George on PBS each morning at 9 in memory of him while he's away. *sniff*

     I hope I make it through next week. I will be spending lots of time teaching my little one how to crawl. This way she can just come find me instead of whine when I turn away for two seconds to grab the ketchup from the fridge. Yes, I am that cool. She loves me. 



Aaaaand, this sums up my baby. Perfectly. 

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